Write it down time

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I was listening to a lady called Dr Ruth on the television this morning and she spoke about New Year’s resolutions and she made a great suggestion. She said that a person should start a Gratitude Journal. Keep it with you in your handbag and write in it whenever you experience a sense of gratitude. Whether it be a daily journal or whenever you feel the need to write in it. Funnel all your energy into the journal. Then when things are going a bit haywire or you are feeling on the downside you can open the journal and read all the blessings and good things that have happened to you or of the beauty around you.

I thought that it was a great way to start the year with and so I am going to do just what she suggests and start my own Gratitude Journal. I will write down about all the things that I am grateful for and about the beauty I will experienced in this year, the good times, the times that I am thankful that I am alive on this Earth. Write about something somebody mentioned, the spoken compliment given to you, the smile, that touch that made you feel special. No matter how small it may seem to you, write it down.

So my New Year’s goal/resolution is to fill up that journal so that at the end of 2018 I can sit down, open it and read about all the good that happened to me during 2018.

Here is to 2018…….journal