Bloggers and writers

Writers write books of all kinds, poets write poetry and bloggers write blogs. Some writers become bloggers and vice versa. I have read some very eloquent and well versed blogs. I am not a writer of novels even though I would have loved to be an author. The words that come into my head somehow cannot form onto paper so I turned to the blogging world instead to write down all the thoughts that float through my head. Yet, again, they do not form exactly as they I would like them. But they do make some sense, well I hope that they do.

But my dream of writing a novel still floats in my dream of dreams. I then got to thinking, what if I took the better blogs that I have written and posted and put them into a book form. So I have started to sift through the year and half’s blogs and will take the best ones, in my opinion, and start to formulate them into a small novel. I do not think that a publisher will take them as they are rather of the amateur nature but I think that I will post them online.

My blogs are not very long as I once read that a successful blog is not a longwinded one but short and sweet and to the point.

So please go onto my blog and read all that I have written and post your comments so that I can see which ones will make it into my little dream of a novel. Help me make one of my dreams come true.

Author: grannyonthemovesite

I am a nutty lady of the 50 something group, 3 sons and at the moment 1 grand baby, 2 dogs and 1 black cat. I intend to make the most of my soon to be golden years but till then I want to do all that I can do before my bones become brittle and my body and mind turn to mush due to age. Now is the time of my life and I intend to make the most of it.

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